Thursday, October 19, 2017

17A - Elevator Pitch No.2

As you can see, I have uploaded this video from my elevator pitch. I did not complete the previous elevator pitch assignment so I am not able to reflect on my last experience vs. this one. However, after watching myself on camera I can definitely critique this pitch. First of all, I did not realize how much I said the word "um" until I started recording myself speaking. Also, I believe that my pitch could have been more energetic. However, I'm feeling a bit under the weather this week so I did the best that I could. 

PS: how cute is this thumbnail? I'm not tech savvy enough to change it. 


  1. Erika,

    Great Job! Although you were feeling a bit under the weather, you still came across as passionate and enthusiastic. I think these are the kinds of things that the more you do them, the better you will become. I liked how you were engaging and looked at the camera. I think eye contact is a vital part of a successful pitch or presentation as it lets the audience feel more engaged and have a deeper connection with the presenter. Well done!

  2. I think you did a great job. A lot of people really struggle with public speaking. You don't seem to be nervous or uncomfortable. The way you spoke made your elevator pitch really clear and easy to understand. This is especially impressive because you are feeling under the weather. I think you did a great job with this assignment and am looking forward to seeing more from you in the future.
