Friday, October 20, 2017

16A - What is your secret sauce?

1) Five traits that raise my human capital are my: positivity, love of people, sense of humor, strong work ethic, and my ability to work in a team. 

2) The people that know me best are not local, so I had three of them submit videos stating what they thought my human capital was and what they think makes me unique as an individual.

Video 1: This video was filmed by my older brother, Danny. He stated that my outgoing personality, my ability to relate with people, and my tenacity are main parts of my human capital.

Video 2: This video was filmed by my best friend, Kennedy. She stated that my creativity, adventurousness, and willingness to help were her some of the best traits that I have to offer

Video 3: This video was filmed by my sister, Samantha. In the video she speaks about my intelligence and my non-judgmental attitude towards people.


3) When reflecting on these videos, I realized that most of my sense of self was correct. However, certain traits such as my tenacity and adventurousness did not come to mind. It was really interesting to learn about the way I perceive my own positive traits, vs. the positive traits that others see in me. I think that everyone should complete this exercise at least once in their lives to gain a better sense of self.


  1. Erika,

    Great Job! I think that the people you interviewed did a very good job of explaining the qualities that make you who you are. I think it is interesting to see how sometimes many people see something in us that we do not see in ourselves. On the flipside, I think that our self perception of what makes us who we are is fairly accurate most of the time. Overall very well done!

  2. These interviews were great. You're friends and family really seem to have great things to say about you. I definitely think that the people closest to us in life give us a great sense of who we are. Self perception is obviously very important as well. The tricky part of life is balancing the importance we place on our self perception and the perception of others. Great job with this post!

  3. Erika,

    You have done a great job on this post! It's great to record all your interviews by videos. I have the same opinion as Morgan. I also think people who are closest to you know you the best. Knowing others views help us to know more something we don't know or don't see about ourselves. Good job, and I hope to see more from you!
