Wednesday, November 29, 2017

26A - Celebrating Failure

1)      This past semester, I underperformed in an online course. I should have been more attentive to the assignments and quiz times/dates, but I focused my energy elsewhere and I will be getting a lackluster grade as a result.

2)      I took this experience as an opportunity to learn and grow beyond my mistake. I decided that in my upcoming courses/jobs, I will do the best I can to put my full effort into everything that I do.

3)      I think failure, while painful at the time, is essential to personal growth and development. Without failure, it is impossible to gain the self-knowledge necessary for a successful life. Failure allows us to analyze, self-improve, and grow with time.


  1. Erika,

    Well done! I do not think I have every met someone who hasn't failed in some aspect of life, and underperforming in a class is just another type of "failure." However, I think we all learn from these experiences and ensure that the next time we are faced with a similar situation, we try out best to make the right choice and do the right thing

  2. Erika,

    Good job on this post! I totally understand how tough for students to take some online courses. I also under-performed in two classes when I was in Santa Fe College. I am glad to see you can turn your failure into the motivation, and I think it's good for your upcoming online courses and also for your career. Great work overall!
