Friday, November 17, 2017

25A- What's next?

Existing Market

      For my venture concept, my main target demographic is students at the University of Florida. After interviewing three potential members of my target audience, I asked them what resources that they thought we should be taking advantage of and what other directions they could see this opportunity going in.
      There were several excellent ideas that came with these conversations. One student suggested the idea of maintaining a community garden or participating with pre-existing community gardens on campus to increase the “green” factor of this business. I liked this idea because I think the concept of togetherness and connectedness is what I would like to emphasize at the start of this business, I also think that these concepts will be some of our greatest selling tools.
     Another idea that came from this discussion was to use a style similar to the style in Buzzfeed’s “Tasty” videos to advertise for this cooperative. I thought that all of the ideas that I got were really great, but these two definitely stood out to me because they would help with promotions and they would make the business more desirable for the students of UF.

New Market

      For this new market, I spoke with a couple of agricultural/food organizations on campus. When speaking with these organizations I also got a couple of great ideas. The agricultural organizations suggested a partnership with local farm businesses. This is an idea that I thought about previously, but it was great to get possible suggestions.

      The culinary organization that I spoke with suggested that we host food preparation tutorials for students on campus. I thought this was a really cool idea because it would help us engage in person with potential customers. And we could even consider doing these types of courses over video or livestream as well. All in all, I had excellent and productive conversations with both markets.

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