Wednesday, November 29, 2017

28A - Your Exit Strategy

1) I intend to work in this business for the remainder of my time at UF. Then I plan to find a fitting replacement that will be on-campus upon my graduation. My business is non-profit, so the step down from the founder/CEO role will be simple once the correct replacement is found.

2) I like this exit strategy because I believe that through this strategy, the legacy of the campus co-op will live on through generations at the University of Florida.

3) I believe that my exit strategy has slightly influenced my creative process. My business will be more of an organization/community effort so I never felt that I would hold full responsibility for the company rather that I would be a moving part in the collaborative effort. This would make me feel more secure stepping down, because I would know that more like-minded people will be there to happily replace me.

27A - Reading Reflection No. 3

What was the general theme or argument of the book?

 In Mindset – The new psychology of success, Carol Dweck speaks mainly about the two different mindsets and how your approach to these mindsets, affects how you live your daily life. The fixed mindset is the mindset that everything is static, while the growth mindset is dedicated to using failure as a learning experience.

How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT3003?

I think this book was extremely relevant to this week’s lesson on failure. The book put a very positive spin on failure and those who are in the “growth mindset” choose to use failure as a learning experience, rather than a setback.

If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?

 In this exercise, students would be given a list of difficult situations. Then they will be told to consider each situation in either the fixed mindset, or the growth mindset. I think that this would help students understand why maintaining positive thinking is so important. I also think that it will help them improve tricky situations in their daily life.

 What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?

My biggest aha moment in the book was realizing that failure is essential. Failure always has a negative connotation both in school and in the work place, however, if one is using the growth mindset, failure is just another step in the improvement process.

26A - Celebrating Failure

1)      This past semester, I underperformed in an online course. I should have been more attentive to the assignments and quiz times/dates, but I focused my energy elsewhere and I will be getting a lackluster grade as a result.

2)      I took this experience as an opportunity to learn and grow beyond my mistake. I decided that in my upcoming courses/jobs, I will do the best I can to put my full effort into everything that I do.

3)      I think failure, while painful at the time, is essential to personal growth and development. Without failure, it is impossible to gain the self-knowledge necessary for a successful life. Failure allows us to analyze, self-improve, and grow with time.

Friday, November 17, 2017

25A- What's next?

Existing Market

      For my venture concept, my main target demographic is students at the University of Florida. After interviewing three potential members of my target audience, I asked them what resources that they thought we should be taking advantage of and what other directions they could see this opportunity going in.
      There were several excellent ideas that came with these conversations. One student suggested the idea of maintaining a community garden or participating with pre-existing community gardens on campus to increase the “green” factor of this business. I liked this idea because I think the concept of togetherness and connectedness is what I would like to emphasize at the start of this business, I also think that these concepts will be some of our greatest selling tools.
     Another idea that came from this discussion was to use a style similar to the style in Buzzfeed’s “Tasty” videos to advertise for this cooperative. I thought that all of the ideas that I got were really great, but these two definitely stood out to me because they would help with promotions and they would make the business more desirable for the students of UF.

New Market

      For this new market, I spoke with a couple of agricultural/food organizations on campus. When speaking with these organizations I also got a couple of great ideas. The agricultural organizations suggested a partnership with local farm businesses. This is an idea that I thought about previously, but it was great to get possible suggestions.

      The culinary organization that I spoke with suggested that we host food preparation tutorials for students on campus. I thought this was a really cool idea because it would help us engage in person with potential customers. And we could even consider doing these types of courses over video or livestream as well. All in all, I had excellent and productive conversations with both markets.

24A – Venture Concept No. 1

Together - The UF Campus Cooperative


I will be analyzing my idea for my on-campus co-op through this venture concept plan. When creating this opportunity, I first had to identify my target market. This target market consists of University of Florida students. This market is defined geographically in the Gainesville, FL area because that is where the University of Florida is located.
The future customers for this business concept are currently satisfying their needs by trying to prepare health conscious food for themselves, or just paying more money than they would like to for healthy, fresh foods on or near campus. Customers that are currently satisfying this need may have loyalty to certain restaurants, but they do not hold full loyalty anywhere.
I believe that this opportunity has lots of potential to be big. UF has a very large student body and even if a small percentage of the students held interest in this idea, it would be enough to begin and expand this idea even further. I think that this window of opportunity will stay open for quite a long time. This need has been around for a long time because students are always hoping to strike a balance between health and time. I think this would be an excellent strategy that takes both of these factors into consideration.


This idea stemmed from my belief that the UF campus should have more health and price moderate food options open for students. Through this, I developed an idea that the student body should take this into their own hands by creating something that would satisfy all of their different needs.
Through this, I developed a concept for an on-campus co-op. This co-op will be a store/restaurant that works with various different departments and organizations at the University of Florida. Essentially, this co-op will be student run and student planned and it will be a place where students can purchase high-quality food for low prices. By partnering with the University of Florida agricultural departments and the local Gainesville community, students will have access to fresh, local, and seasonal produce.
This produce alongside other local ingredients will be used to create fresh meals and snacks for students that participate with the co-op organization. The students that choose to take part in the co-op will volunteer for a certain number of hours per week. This volunteering shift will give these students access to low-priced food options provided at the co-op. Students who do not want to be a part of the volunteering program will also be able to participate, they will simply purchase meals at a higher price point than those that volunteer.
When I envisioned this co-op I actually pictured a non-profit organization run through the University of Florida. I think that the system of belief behind this cooperative is togetherness and a central focus on health and ease. While I do have other ideas that will generate a profit, I think that for this topic particularly, my entrepreneurial spirit is not capital driven.

Venture Concept

What are the reasons to think customers would switch to this new product?  How hard will it be to get them to switch? 
Customers would switch to this product because of the simplicity and because the “green” students at the University of Florida would appreciate the motivation behind the project. I think that in order to make students switch, we would need to advertise on multiple different platforms and we would need to recruit a trial group for the campus co-op to make sure that the process flows smoothly.

Who are the competitors?  What are their possible weaknesses or vulnerabilities? 
The main competition for this business will be the Krishna lunch that is on UF campus everyday. This would be the principle competition because it is inexpensive, healthy, and vegan. However, the timing of the lunch makes it inconvenient for some with different class schedules.

What role does packaging, your price points, distribution, customer support, the customer experience or the business location play (if any) in defining your business concept?
Each of these factors will play a small role. Packaging’s role will be important because packaging must be eco-friendly and as minimal as possible. Location is also extremely important because UF is an extremely spread out campus, so a prime location will mean a lot in terms of the business’ success.

How would you organize a “business” to support the ongoing production of your new product, service, or process? How many employees? What roles are in the venture?  
I would start this co-op off as a student organization and I would go via existing organizations and garner interest before beginning the venture. Then, I would start the venture off with approximately 40 employees and then increase the number with time if necessary. The idea behind this co-op is that everybody does their part, so keeping it small in the beginning is essential. There will be many different roles, there will be administrative roles, culinary roles, and customer service roles mostly.

What are the reasons to think customers would switch to this new product?  How hard will it be to get them to switch? 

I don’t think that it will be difficult to get customers to switch to this organization because I think that they will support the cause. I think the best way to get them to switch, will be to educate them on the offerings and benefits of this type of organization.

Friday, November 10, 2017

23A- Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

Industry Experience
V- I will better understand how the hotel business works
R- The hospitality industry is fairly large, so this experience isn’t exactly rare
I-This is difficult to imitate
N- This resource is non-substitutable

V- Very valuable
R- Not so rare
I-Can not be imitated

A willing team
V- Extremely valuable
R- Slightly rare
I-Can not be imitated

Expert assistance
V-Extremely valuable
R- Fairly rare
I-Can not be imitated

Hotel Opening Experience
V- Extremely valuable
R- Not too rare
I-Can not be imitated

Advertising Experience
V-Extremely valuable
R-Slightly rare
I-Can be imitated with dedication to learning

Marketing Experience
V-Extremely valuable
R-Slightly rare
I-Can be imitated with dedication to learning

V-Extremely valuable
R-Slightly rare
I-Not easily imitated

V-Extremely valuable
R-Slightly rare
I-Not easily imitated
N-Slightly substitutable

V-Extremely valuable
R-Pretty Rare
I-Can be imitated with dedication
N-Not very substitutable

I think my top resources are my industry experience and my positivity. I believe these traits and resources will take me very far in the hospitality industry.

22A – Elevator Pitch No. 3

Based on Feedback, I changed my gestures and I tried to smile a bit more. I think my last pitch was fine, but could have definitely been more dynamic,

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

20A - Growing Your Social Capital

Person A

Who they are and what their background is.
Person A is a domain expert in the hospitality industry

Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
Domain expert

A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
Person A is a close friend’s mom. I asked my friend for her mom’s email and sent a professional email asking for her assistance with a project.

The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?
The nature of exchange with this person was a mentor/mentee nature. Person A is a friend’s mom and was more than happy to help when I asked for assistance.

How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
This person is an expert in the field and she has already given me tips and tricks for success in the industry. I also know that if I were to have any questions along the way, she would be a great person to consult.

 Person B

Who they are and what their background is.
Person B is a market expert in the hospitality industry

Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
Market expert

A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
Person B is a boss from a past internship position. I contacted Person B via email.

The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?
The nature of exchange with this person was of a boss/employee nature. Person B was a great boss and mentor to me and this was further demonstrated throughout our communication. They did me the favor of giving me input on my ideas and advice for my potential target market.

How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
This person is an expert in the field and he was able to better inform of my potential target audience and ways to influence them.

Person C 

Who they are and what their background is.
Person C is a supplier in the hospitality industry

Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.

A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
I found Person C on LinkedIn and communicated with them via LinkedIn Messenger.

The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?
The nature of exchange with this person was extremely professional. They did me the favor of giving me advice for my future in this industry.

How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?

This person is an expert in the field and she was able to tell me how the supply chain management typically works in the hotel industry. This was very interesting for me to learn and it may also be advantageous for me to have this contact for my future business ventures.

21A - Reading Reflection

What was the general theme or argument of the book?

The author of The Long Tail, Chris Anderson argues that niche markets can sometimes build up the highest market share. The basis for Anderson’s argument is that he does not believe that it is beneficial from a marketing perspective to lump all buyers together in a “one size fits all” selling strategy.

How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT3003?

I have done analyses on this book for both ENT3003 and for other advertising courses that I am currently enrolled in. This book has impacted the way that I view things because it directly expresses the importance of selling to the people, not just selling the product. The book also looks at modern marketing from a different perspective. Rather than assuming that a large consumer body means success, Anderson points out that the new definition of success is longevity and the presence of a niche market.

If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?

This exercise would involve researching different markets and researching which organizations are successful based on long-tail theory. I think this practice would bring the text to life because people would no longer see the long-tail theory as a concept, rather they would see it is a real-life economical and marketing trend.

What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?

The long-tail concept as a whole made me examine everything that I had previously learned about marketing/economic success. During my advertising courses, my classmates and myself are often shown the most popular and highly successful campaigns because they are positive examples. However, the focus on longevity is something that we do not consider as often.