Thursday, September 21, 2017

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Opportunity 1: Economic
B) RyanAir has been under fire for issues related to treatment of staff. RyanAir has an opportunity now to turn this around. This is a strong public relations opportunity for RyanAir to adjust their staff treatment and publicize it to regain strong public perception.
C) The customer for this opportunity will be someone who typically flies RyanAir and is searching for good prices.
D) This opportunity is difficult in the sense that RyanAir will have to both change their employee treatment practices and they will have to alter public perception of employee treatment.
E) I see this opportunity because as an advertising major, I am inclined to seek opportunities in my field. I see that RyanAir is currently struggling with branding difficulty; but, with the correct coaching and use of different mediums of communication this will lead to an opportunity for brand growth.

Opportunity 2: Economic
B) While the hurricanes have caused so much devastation in typical cruising locations, this article does leave some room for opportunity and creativity in cruising destinations.
C) The typical consumer for this opportunity will be someone who typically takes cruises for vacation and will let nontraditional approaches stop them from enjoying their favorite type of vacation.
D) This opportunity is difficult and will require a lot of work and research to locate new port destinations for these cruise ships to go.
E) I see an opportunity here because it forced. The cruise ships cannot return to their old destinations and they must try and be flexible and creative to solve this problem.

Opportunity 3: Regulatory
B) Driverless cars a huge part of the world’s vision for the future and it is important that China keep up with the trend.
C) The prototypical customer would be someone who is exhausted by their commute and would prefer to have it taken care of automatically.
D) This opportunity requires lots of intense research and will be quite difficult to complete.
E) I see the opportunity because I have been exhausted so many times behind the wheel. I see the benefit of having an automated vehicle because the drivers will be able to relax and once the technology is perfected, there will even be a lower likelihood for accidents on the road.

Opportunity 4: Regulatory
B) I think there is a strong opportunity with this because Google has decided to compete directly with Apple’s IPhone since acquiring Nokia.
C) I think the customer for this product will be any user that values Google’s services and applications. Having a Google phone could make communication and organization so much easier.
D) This opportunity is difficult considering IPhone’s status as a top dog in the smart phone world.
E) I see this opportunity because I value all of Google’s current services and I believe that a phone that easily incorporated all of them would make my life much easier.


  1. Erika,
    I really like the regulatory trend you selected regarding autonomous cars. I have done a ton of research about Tesla's and I hope to own one soon myself. I think the real world application of a self driving car could be the biggest advancement in our lifetime. I think you did a good job highlighting how convenient it would be for people to just take some time to rest and relax during their commutes. I know personally this would be amazing for me especially on long trips. If I had to give one bit of helpful criticism it would be to try and explain the specific opportunity just a bit more. Really try and imagine what specifically one company can do to make this dream a reality. Good work in the blog. As always, hope to see more!

  2. Hey Erika!
    I found that all of your articles were very interesting but i really enjoyed your second article the most. I love to go on cruises and me and my family try to go on at least two cruises a year. We actually have had to cancel a trip due to weather. I also would be excited if there were more port options and maybe because of the hurricanes the cruise industry will look to expand there ports.

  3. Hey Erika,
    I really liked this post! I have to say, the two regulatory opportunities are the ones that really stuck out to me. Like you, I believe that automated driving is the future. Once the technology is developed and implemented, I think that everyone will have a driverless car. As for the other regulatory opportunity, having a device that could incorporate all of Googles services would be very valuable. It will be hard for Google to take over Apples #1 spot but I believe that they would have a good shot if they come out with a marketable device such as that. Great post!

  4. Erika,

    I like your post for the opportunity 4 which is about the competition between Google and Apple. Obviously, like you said in your post, Apple is the most competitive phone manufacturer nowadays. If Google wants to compete with Apple on the smartphone, they must develop more advanced products. I agree with you about Google's service, and I also believe they can one day produce better phone than Apple's.
