Wednesday, September 27, 2017

8A - Solving the Problem

My opportunity for the previous assignment was to develop healthy and inexpensive food options on the UF campus. When examining my opportunity, I took a look at the food options that are currently available on campus and examined them based on price and health. Then, I began to brainstorm as to what the solution would be. The majority of campus restaurants operate on a for-profit basis and they are large restaurant chains. Also, when placing a new restaurant in a university setting, there are often strong regulations in place to ensure student safety and well-being.

So, my solution to this problem is a campus Co-Op. This Co-Op would run similarly to those that are common, however, it will be in partnership with the university. In order to be a member of the Co-Op students will need to work a requisite number of hours per week. And for this benefit, they can purchase produce and student prepared meals inexpensively on campus. The Co-Op could also partner with the agricultural studies departments at UF to acquire seasonal/locally sourced foods. Overall, I really like this idea because for just a couple of hours students will be able to eat cheaply, and maintain their health. Also, the idea of this being a cooperative effort will make it much more likely that the university would approve the operation. 


  1. Looking at your solution makes your opportunity even more clear to me. I think partnering with the University is a brilliant idea. I am not sure if you have heard of it but there is an app with a similar train of thought called Pocket Points. It awards point to students that are on campus either in class or studying. You simply load the app, and lock your phone. The points can be used for a variety of things such as quiz coupons at restaurants near campus or online retail sites. This app doesn't partner with Universities like you are proposing. I think you're approach is a more well though out and thorough solution that benefits the university, the student, and the food business involved. Great idea and I look forward to seeing it develop throughout the semester.

  2. Erika,

    I like your idea about the campus Co-Op. Obviously, open a restaurant on campus is not easy, but it is easy to have partnership with the university. Your solution is not only good for students to get healthy foods, but it is also benefit the university itself. Moreover, it is even good for students' study. So I think this is a very good solution for your opportunity.

  3. Hey Erika,
    This is an idea that I have not heard of before and I cannot figure out why. I believe a cooperative effort between the university, the restaurants, and students could make a for a win-win-win situation. Students are constantly talking about the need to be healthier and more fit but many students do not have the financial recourses needed to do so. I am looking forward to hear more about your concept.
