Wednesday, September 27, 2017

9A - Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2


Three out of my five interviewees stated that they would utilize this co-op if the opportunity was presented to them. However, the other two had reservations. One of them did not like that students would need to work designated hours just to have the privilege of purchasing the meals inexpensively. The other one stated that the reason that they want to purchase meals on campus is because they are already too busy. This student felt like the time commitment would be too much to add onto their current schedule. This interview made me consider adjusting the business model and figure out how to change these students’ opinions.


The need for healthy, inexpensive, on-campus food options differs from the typical food needs because it is much less basic. Typical food needs can be fulfilled easily. However, the problem that I am solving is unique to students, specifically those that are on-campus frequently and trying to live a healthy lifestyle.


The outsiders’ needs are not different, they all appreciated the idea. However, the two that would not utilize the co-op valued their time over their nutrition and budget. The outsiders have the same needs, but their priorities are in a different order. 


  1. I really like hypothesis you have presented in this blog. I think that the need for healthy inexpensive food has been prevalent for some time now. I can remember back when I first started college, 2 & 1/2 years ago, and I wished for an option like this. I think you're right to assume many college students would want this as well. You seemed to be able to answer the questions about those outside your boundaries very well here. I think that there will always be a few outliers in any option so it is not surprising that a few students who live off campus would be uninterested in this opportunity. Very good work here and looking forward to seeing more from you!

  2. Erika,

    Probably I am someone inside your boundary. This is my last semester here in the UF. Although I am a person who want to live a healthy lifestyle, the restaurants on campus didn't give me enough options. However, sometimes I have to eat on campus because I don't have enough time to cook or go out of the campus. I hope your opportunity can benefit more UF students.

  3. Hey Erika,
    I can see how that could be a hard trade off. An individual who has a busy schedule (which is oh so common at UF) may find it difficult to make the necessary time to work at the co-op. Similar to what you said, it seems like it all really just boils down to the order of priorities for students.

  4. I like how throughout the post you were able to always relate it back to the people that you interviewed, from the very beginning. The chart that you posted was also well put together and clearly displayed what was and was not part of the product and the benefits and harms of the product. The alternative explanations specifically were very interesting. Great post!
