Wednesday, September 27, 2017

7A: Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

1 – Opportunity

 The University of Florida has may awesome food options, however, none are both healthy and inexpensive.

2 –  Opportunity Cont.

The University of Florida needs a healthy and inexpensive food option for students on campus
Who: Students of the University of Florida
What: Healthy and inexpensive food options
Where: The University of Florida
Why: Many students try to balance so many things at once and it can be quite difficult to find the time to maintain a healthy lifestyle, study, work, and socialize.

3 – Hypothesis

Testing the who: Myself and many of my friends have often spoken that this type of food option is necessary on campus.
Testing the what: There are inexpensive options such as Wendy’s and Papa Johns, but these places are unhealthy and most students will not eat at such places on a daily basis. There are also healthy options, but they are few and far between and they come at a much higher price tag.
Testing the why: Students need this to help maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat food that will nourish them and not break the bank.

4: Interviews

Through the interviews with my peers I discovered that many of them agree with me that there is a lack of healthy food options that fit into the student budget. One of my interviewees stated that she finds it extremely difficult to have the time to prepare meals nightly and set herself up for the coming week. Instead she ends up going with the easier option and purchasing the cheapest thing on campus just to have something. Another of my interviewees claims that it he usually doesn’t have a problem packing food, but he also agrees that there should be options for students who have less time. Overall the response was positive, but I did have one interviewees who thought that students who are truly dedicated to their health (and their wallet) would find time to prepare in advance.

5 – Summary

Overall, I still think this is an excellent opportunity for the UF campus. My only concern would be the feasibility for providing such a service for students. Overall, now that my opportunity has been developed, I need to start working on a solution. 


  1. I think your point about not being able to eat regularly at places like Wendy's or Papa Johns is so true. I know for me if I eat junk food like that more than once or twice a week I feel gross. I usually resort to making food at home because I enjoy a healthy diet. If this option was available at UF, I would eat there at least 2 or 3 times a week. A quick, convenient, healthy option is much needed at all college campuses and whoever develops a business to do it will definitely have a fantastic opportunity in front of them.

  2. Erika,

    I feel like your opportunity is so close and necessary for UF students. We know that although there are some restaurants like Panda Express and Wendy's are inexpensive, they are not healthy enough for students to eat every day. More healthy options not only good for students' health and study, buy they are also part of university's culture and features. Great work!

  3. Hey Erika,
    I think that this is a great post. With as busy as many college students are, it can be very difficult to find enough time to make a healthy meal and leaving campus can be very inconvenient. As you said, frequently eating at fast food restaurants is very unhealthy and can lead to substantial weight gain. Another great post and I am looking forward to reading more!
