Thursday, August 31, 2017


1.      Long lines at for coffee on campus
Why? Many students are overworked and under-caffeinated, and most do not wake up in time to make coffee themselves.

2.      When the 38 bus is full and it drives directly past the Oxford Manor stop on Archer
Why? Countless students are trying to get to school and the 38 makes many stops before it reaches Oxford Manor.

3.      Taking out the trash at my apartment
Why? The apartment complex can only have so many dumpsters, so they are spaced out and it can be quite a walk to get to one.

4.      When the crosswalks by the O’Connell center on campus take too long change
Why? There is traffic on many directions in that area, so the crosswalks must guide everyone safely to their destination.

5.      When the bus is overcrowded and you have to stand (I have horrible balance and I’m pretty sure I’m going to fall one day).
Why? UF is a huge school with a large student population. When students are all trying to get to campus before or after class time, the buses are crowded.

6.      When my computer won’t connect to the wireless on campus
Why? The wireless connection isn’t always strong, especially at high traffic times.

7.      When people in front of me walk slowly
Why? They are not in a rush and they do not think about the fact that someone is behind them.

8.      Rush hour traffic in Gainesville
Why? There are too many people trying to get places at one time.

9.      Never enough outlets on campus
Why? UF has a large student population and many like to study on campus, so there are never enough outlets.

10.  When my computer decides that now is the perfect time to perform an hour’s worth of updates
Why? The computer needs to update at some point, but I always click “remind me later” and never give it the chance it needs, so sometimes it just has to spring it on me.

11.  When there are no inexpensive/healthy food options on campus
Why? Healthy food is not always cheap and the inexpensive food options on campus cost less because they have low production cost and ingredient quality.

12.  When people in the left lane on the highway go slowly so you must illegally pass from the right
 Why? Drivers who do this are either not paying attention to their surroundings, or they feel a responsibility to police those who prefer to go faster by forcing them to pass go around.

13.  When people eat loudly and chew with their mouths open
Why? People do not realize that they are doing this, it is just the way they eat.

14.  When the people in my group projects don’t fulfill their portions
Why? They may be extremely busy or their reputation/part in group projects is less important to them than it is to me.

15.  When people don’t adequately tip their servers
Why? People have never learned how to tip appropriately, or they are just being stingy with their money. Many people have never worked a service job before, so they don’t understand that people live off their tips.

16.  When people don’t respond to text messages but they like or comment on another social media post
Why? The person has either not checked their messages, forgotten to respond, or ignored it all together and they think that you won’t notice or care if they use their other platforms for communication.

17.  When people talk or use their phones in the movie theatre and it distracts others
Why? People sometimes get into the habit of checking their phone frequently, but they do not realize/care how it affects the viewing experience of others.

18.  When the line for Publix subs takes too long
Why? Everyone loves Pubsubs so much that there is always a huge line.

19.  When drivers do not use their turn signals
Why? People either forget to do so or they don’t deem it important.

20.  When people hold the door open for me and I am too far away and I have to do the awkward walk/run thing to get to the door quickly

Why? People are trying to be nice and polite.

OVERALL: I found this assignment very simple at the beginning; but, towards the end I began to run out of ideas. The easiest way to complete the assignment was to write down these small frustrations or "bugs" in real life situations, once you realize that they bother you!


  1. Erika,

    It is amazing how similar some of our bugs are! As someone who has worked in a restaurant as a waiter, the no tipping bothers me the most! I also agree that It was quite difficult to come up with bugs as you went on, it was interesting to think of all the problems we encounter in our daily lives. You have brought up many relevant problems on campus including the traffic, lack of outlets, and the cost of healthy food, well done!

  2. I completely agree with almost all your bugs. Specifically the one mentioning a lack of inexpensive healthy food options on campus. I think the problem stretches even further than that! I would say their is very little inexpensive healthy food options in general. Why is it that I can go to McDonald's and get a cheeseburger, fries, and a soda for $3 but if I wanted to go somewhere and get a grilled chicken salad and a bottle of water it's probably $7-$12? This infuriates me as a college kid who budgets and tries to eat healthy! Anyways, your blog post is very well done. Great work and I hope to see more from you!

  3. Great job on your post and after reading it I found even more things that bug me. Some of my favorites were the long lines for coffee on campus and poor internet connection on campus. I also feel that we had the same experience with this assignment, I felt it was very easy to start off with bugs but the last few were very difficult to come up with. Awesome Job!
