Sunday, December 3, 2017

30A - Final Reflection

1) Through the course of this semester, I have had a rollercoaster of feelings about ENT3003. I really enjoyed the course, but there were definitely some moments of drudgery and stress (especially when I forgot to submit assignments on time, oops).  Overall, I thought the course was exactly what it was supposed to be. It was creatively challenging and it made you think, but it also gave back the effort that you put in. I really liked the way the course was run because it allowed me to work on my own time, when I am most productive.

2) The most formative experience that I have had throughout this course was the creative idea development. It was really cool to come up with a business idea based on things that irritate me. I never really thought of my pet peeves as a business opportunity before and this course changed that. I also really liked that I was forced to fully develop my ideas. I usually have many fleeting ideas and I never really focus fully on how I would execute them.

3) After taking this course, I do feel like I have developed an entrepreneurial mindset. When I look at the world around me, I see many more opportunities than I did before, and I know how to turn those opportunities into real ideas.

4) To ENT3003's  incoming students, I highly recommend getting started early on the assignments and making sure not to forget the peer reviews! I also recommend asking those around you about everything and getting their opinions on your ideas and how they feel. I had ideas that I loved, and once I talked to my most trusted confidants, they did not share the same excitement about them. It is essential to see how different people think and feel about your potential businesses or ideas.
Image result for thinking man

1 comment:

  1. Erika,

    Good job on the final post! I can't agree more because I also made some mistakes in the beginning. However, like you said for the future students in this class, getting start early on those assignments is the most important thing to do. If they can do this way, they can have enough time to figure out how this class and all the assignments work. Great job!
